One customer had a lovely vintage copper bracelet whose clasp was unreliable and she wanted a safety chain so that if the clasp popped open, she wouldn’t lose the bracelet. Completing this request taught me that having the item in front of you, even if you are creating a simple addition for the item, is invaluable. I made the safety chain to the specs supplied by my customer. However much to the dismay of both of us, the gauge of the copper was too large for the spring rings to attach to. This had not been apparent in the photo of the bracelet, so my customer shipped the bracelet with

The necklace chain was for a lovely pendant whose former chain kept breaking. From

Small or large, I enjoy making repairs or creating custom pieces that allow my customers to continue to enjoy a cherished piece of jewelry or find a new one matched to their needs. Please contact Eclectic Design Choices if there is something that I can repair or create for you.