Hiring a garden coach is a little like hiring a personal trainer for your garden. The role of a garden coach is to show the homeowner how to make improvements and maintain their landscape to achieve their goals.
A homeowner can expect a garden coach to help them evaluate their landscape and then make recommendations for upgrades, improvements, etc. that will allow the homeowner to bring their landscape in line with their vision for it. These recommendations can be in the form of a landscape plan, a goals list broken into specific tasks, how to instructions (written or hands on), maintenance tips and contractor and materials resource lists. Generally a garden coach doesn’t get heavily involved in the actually installation of the plan. Think of the old saying, “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man a fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.” (Author unknown) I would liken a garden coach to the person teaching someone how to fish.
Hiring a Garden Coach can save you money:

If you are a do it yourself type that wants to get your hands dirty but needs some guidance to help avoid costly mistakes, then consult with a garden coach. If you can put in some sweat equity instead of hiring someone to do a turn key job, then hiring a garden coach to help you plan your landscape makeover would be a good choice for you.
My emphasis as a garden coach is to ensure that you have the knowledge and resources that you need to create the landscape that you desire and allow you to save money creating that landscape. E-mail me at contact@EclecticDesignChoices.com to set up your initial consultation or ask me questions about how I can assist you in creating your own piece of paradise.
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