I publish a short monthly newsletter for EclecticDesignChoices. It generally contains three short articles with pictures. The topics usually include one gardening or nature related article and two others that have tie ins to my other offerings so that you can keep up with what is going on at EDC. While these articles may include new products and the occasional upcoming sale, I try to include additional useful information for you, the reader, from new style or color trends to safety tips. For example, February 2011's newsletter included a piece on the Great Backyard Bird Count, my Etsyversary sale for one of my

shops and how to protect yourself against St. Patrick's Day pinches.
To get your tips and stay on top of the happenings at EDC
sign up for my short monthly newsletter here. Look for it on the first Friday of each month.
Click on the images to the left, of my March 2011 newsletter, to see larger views. Since these are only images, the links will not be clickable.