It doesn’t seem like it has been almost a year since I opened my whimsical flying pig (aka pigasus) shop,
EclecticSkeptic, on Etsy. I started stocking my shop with altered photographic art of flying pigs on note cards and bookmarks. I expanded my line to include flying pig necklaces, holiday cards, earrings, zipper pulls, tie tacks, keychains and pins. My latest addition takes me back to my photographic art beginnings, clocks with flying pig imagery. I hope to have at least one new type of item available before the Christmas shopping season and also plan to add some items for the math and/or science geek.

Stay tuned to my blog, by becoming a follower, my
facebook business fan page, by liking it, or my monthly newsletter, by subcribing to it, for details. But I digress, back to EclecticSkeptic’s one year anniversary! EclecticSkeptic’s one year anniversary is officially on August 1. To help celebrate, I will be offering a special sale to my customers the following week on Sunday, August 8, 2010. The details of this sale will be in my newsletter, scheduled to go out on Friday, August 6. You still have time to sign up for my newsletter and get the details so that you can participate in this sale. You will find a form in the right hand column of this blog to have your e-mail address added to my newsletter subscriber list.
So here is a great BIG THANK YOU to all of my past and future customers for your support, without which this anniversary would not have been possible. Here is to many more anniversaries to come as well.