While the art has been in place for a few months at Downtown Arlington's newest co-working space, I finally got all of the pieces together to make purchasing it easier. If you see a piece of art you want to take home with you when you browse the art on the walls of the relaxed new co-working space,
CenterSpace, you will be able to use an internet connected device to buy it. If you are looking for a special piece of ready to hang art for your home or office check out my

photographic art, photographs by Amy J Schultz and a limited edition DREAM poster commissioned by Downtown Arlington Management Corporation.
The owners of CenterSpace have graciously offered to let people view some local artists' work in person and hand the work over to customers after receiving notification of payment in exchange for having some awesome art on their walls. When CenterSpace's members need to take a break from looking at their computer screens or other task they might be engaged in they can contemplate the artwork on the walls.
Payment for a piece of art can be made online through 817ArtsAlliance. Pick the title of the artwork (shown on

the art card by each piece of art on the wall) from the drop down menu below an artist's listings on
the Art for Sale - CenterSpace 817ArtsAlliance page. Then click the Buy Now button and follow the rest of the instructions from PayPal. You will be able to pay using your PayPal account or credit card.
Note: The images in this post were taken just after the art was hung. The images in the CenterSpace link above was taken after the art cards were added.