My alter ego to EclecticDesignChoices, 817ArtsAlliance, is partnering with the Arlington Museum of Art (AMA) to bring three different opportunities to local artisans and the public who like to support local artists. Two of these will also include opportunities for collectors and lovers of vintage items. Collectively, these opportunities are known as Happy Holidays Happenings. The Happenings consist of the Happy Holidays Gift Store, Happy Holidays Artisan Demonstrations and the Happy Holidays Gift Market and will be part of the museum’s Mitch Wilson Memorial Festival of Trees Exhibit.

The Festival of Trees, including the Happy Holidays Gift Store, will open for the AMA member’s reception Thursday night, Nov. 7 but will open to the public on Saturday, November 2 and continue through Sunday, December 29. The museum is open from 10 am – 5 pm, Tuesdays – Saturdays and 1 pm – 5 pm on Sundays. I hope you get a chance to check out the festive trees and Santa art on display during the Festival of Trees at the Arlington Museum of Art as well as the Happy Holidays Happenings.
very cool! Congrats!