I want to start by sharing photos of this wonderful wooden sculpture by Daryoush Ababaf. We saw his work at the Christkindl Market in Arlington last year and were very impressed. Even though we saw several pieces that we admired, none asked to be taken home. This year one did. When we saw the sleeping lioness, we both fell in love with it. The

Daryoush’s skill at what is essentially 3D inlay is something I have never seen an equal to. He had some examples of different stages in his work at his booth to give visitors an idea of the process he goes through to construct his pieces. He picks from various woods to create the shadows and colorations needed to bring his creations to life. In addition to amazing depictions of nature the other works of his that I thought had outstanding form, movement and grace were his dancers. You can find examples of his work on his website and facebook page as well as keep up with where you can see his work in person next by liking his facebook page.
Absolutely unique and gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.