Saturday and Sunday, November 10 - 11, 2012 I will be at the Dallas Handmade Arts Market in the Design District of Dallas, TX. The goal of the market is to give artisans a space to showcase their work on a rotating basis. The market will not look the same from week to week. Expect to find something new each time that you visit. Their regular weekend hours are Saturdays from 10am - 7pm and Sundays from 11am - 5pm. I hope you’ll get a chance to come out and browse through the talented artisans that

I'll have items from my EDCCollective and EclecticSkeptic shops on Etsy and many more in a similar vein. My space should look similar to my set up when I was there in October.
Was great meeting you on Saturday and getting 2 pieces of your work. Your psychedelic gazelle is hanging proudly in the house already!