I’m going to “get my feet wet” and participate in a local craft fair. If you have wondered what my handmade items look like in person and/or if you want to give me some moral support and you are local to the DFW Metroplex, I would love to have you stop by.
Saturday, October 3, from 9am – 4pm, I will be set up at Arlington Parks and Recreation’s 39th annual Fall Craft Fair. It will be held in the Senior Recreation Center at 1000 Eunice St. in Arlington, TX. View Map. Admission and parking are free. Their flyer states, “Come shop for handmade crafts and special gifts and win door prizes!”

I have been adding to my inventory and tagging my items in preparation. I have set up a display in my living room to get an idea of how to arrange/display my items. (You can click on the images in this post to enlarge them.) There will be several items at the craft fair that are not listed in my shop, as well as all of my handmade items that are currently listed and don’t sell before the craft fair.
EDC (Eclectic Design Choices) will be sharing table B-20 with Earlene Moore of Breads & Moore. Please stop by and say hi.
Good luck on the craft show. I hope you sell out.